

From time to time, we add snippets (short descriptions of lessons learned over our many years of managing organizations, business units, and companies). Check back every few weeks for new topics (click on a title below to see the snippet).

Let us know if you have a topic you would like to see discussed, or you have suggestions to improve the ones already here.

-Don Burtis

Avoid Barney Meetings


Company Valuation

Hog the Clock (part 1)


It Takes A Generation

Hog the Clock (part 2)


Press Release First Paragraph

Every Meeting is a Negotiation


80% is Good Enough to Decide

Handling the Press


Technical Documentation

Non-Disclosure Agreements


Elevator Pitch


Spiral and Waterfall Methodology


Under Budget Can Be Bad


Stamp Out Tribal Knowledge


Warriors and Statesmen


Hiring is a Project


Startups: No Time for OJT


Helping Your Troops


Who's Your Backup?




Good Worker or Just a Drinking Buddy?